Palazzo Bernado Wedding with Jenna and Jered
“In May of 2015, I did something I said I would never do…I signed up for…It was after watching heartfelt wedding videos on youtube that led me to sign up. This one video made me feel so sorry for myself…to the point that I signed up for haha. The girl on the video had a daughter out of wedlock, just like myself. My little girl’s dad left us with nothing…just left. And I felt so hopeless….How would someone like me find someone who would love my little girl like I love her… her as his very own. Well, on May 18, 2015 at 5am, I was getting dressed for work and I got notification on my phone saying “Jered Miller likes you.” I viewed his profile and just dismissed the notification because this thing was just something for me to do to boost my confidence again….I had felt run down at that part of my life. Single mom, struggling, heartbroken at the life I made for my innocent child. So, I continue to get dressed for work, did my usual, dropped off my little girl at my parents (WHAT I WOULD HAVE DONE WITHOUT THEM? LORD ONLY KNOWS. THEY WERE MY ONLY SUPPORT SYSTEM). So, I get to work that morning and after things settled down that morning, I went to the break room and noticed I now had a message from “Jered Miller.” He introduced himself and to be honest, I can’t recall what it said. But he was aware of Sailor from my pictures and said she was so cute, etc. So we messaged back and forth that entire day and he asked me to go on a date (the dreaded question). First of all, I didn’t know him and I’m from a small town, I only went on dates with people I know personally, right? Ha, that is how I was raised. So, I went to my mom and told her about him and my mom is VERY old fashioned…I thought she would disapprove of me going to meet this stranger. And she didn’t, she wanted me to go. I remember it like it was yesterday, on May 21, 2015, taking a bath, getting ready for this “date”….I cried hysterically to leave my Sailor. I felt like it was my duty to stay with her, I just felt guilty to get out and do something for myself. But momma pushed me to go…and so, I went….From that moment, it was meant to be forever. There was a peace that came over me with Jered, something I felt God himself, sent my way….I was absolutely so sure about him that the very next day, Sailor met him. At that time, Sailor was 2 years old and well, I thought for sure she would be the one to give him a run for his money, but he stayed….And she loves him and he loves her like his own…Surely, he was Heaven-sent. Six months later on November 21, 2015, he popped the question in downtown Baton Rouge in front of the Old State Capitol.”
Vendor love:
Houmas House Plantation – Preparation
St. Michael the Archangel Church- Ceremony
Palazzo Bernardo – Reception
Studio Tran – Photography
Chase Tyler Band – Entertainment
Zoeys Bakery – Cake
Pearl’s Place – Boutique